Available for $25 (U.S) in a beautiful hardcover edition. Contains both the original Serbian text and English translation, 127 pages, published in Belgrade in 2004 (includes shipping costs).
JRI Review:
In this closely analyzed and penetrating study, Vasilije Krestić, one of Serbia’s leading historians, examines the widespread corruption of Croatian academics in North America and their promotion of graduate students to PhD’s. By producing an ever larger crop of newly minted PhD’s trained in the school of Croatian falsification, the future of academia is assured as a means of promoting the political agenda of historical revisionism in the service of Croatian ultra-nationalism and Western neo-colonialism in the Balkans. Dr. Krestic’s book examines the infamous school of Croatian nationalism under the tutelage of Ivo Banac at Yale University and one of its most recent graduates William Brooks Tomljanovich. Tomljanovich’s PhD dissertation on the 19th century Croatian Bishop Josip Strossmayer now published in book form provides the case study for Krestic’s anaylsis. In his study Krestic notes:“We decided to devote attention to V. Tomljanovich’s book not only because of the importance of its topic but also in order to illustrate with his example the course Croatian historiography is following, its methods of work and aims, to what extent it is science and to what extent in the service of daily politics.”
Noting in his conclusion that Dr. Tomljanovic has now found employment as a “Balkans expert” at the U.N.’s Hague Tribunal, Krestic concludes that
“…Tomljanovic is part of the Hague expert group whose members could not care less for science and moral standards. Their primary task is demonization of the Serbs and distortion of history for political reasons….”
Dr. Krestic’s analysis carefully exposes the numerous errors and shortcomings in Tomljanovic’s study and the way in which the final product manipulates the past for political purposes.
This book is a must read for anyone concerned with the history of the Balkans and the current state of Balkans studies. – Jasenovac Research Institute
The Jasenovac Research Institute is pleased to make this book available in North America in cooperation with Gambit Publishers in Belgrade.
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